Medicine Lake Highlands

In January 2025, President Biden protected over 224,000 acres by designating Sàttìtla Highlands National Monument in the Medicine Lake Highlands region in northern California. Nestled within the Shasta-Trinity, Klamath, and Modoc National Forests of northeastern California, Sáttítla, also known as the Medicine Lake Highlands are a culturally significant, geologically unique, and life-sustaining region in need of greater protections. Sàttìtla Highlands National Monument conserves over 200,000 acres of forested land sacred to numerous Tribes including the Pit River, Modoc, Shasta, Karuk, and Wintu. Located just 30 miles east of Mt. Shasta, this landscape contains vital headwater and freshwater resources that are critical for providing water to millions of Califronians.